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March 22, 2023

Attention: Ms. KOIKE Yuriko, Governor of Tokyo

Mr. YOSHIZUMI Kenichi, Mayor of Shinjuku

Support Group for Colabo and Ms. NITŌ Yumeno

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Request for Continuation of Colabo Cafe Bus Operation

March 22, 2023
Attention: Ms. KOIKE Yuriko, Governor of Tokyo

Mr. YOSHIZUMI Kenichi, Mayor of Shinjuku

Support Group for Colabo and Ms. NITŌ Yumeno

We are calling for the continuation of operation of the Colabo Bus Cafe, seeking support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shinjuku City, and all people who hope for a better life for young women.

Colabo is a general incorporated association supporting teenage girls who are unwilling or unable to go home due to
reasons such as domestic violence or poverty. Since October 2018, Colabo has stationed its bus outside of Shinjuku City
Office, operating as a free cafe that distributes necessities such as packaged food, clothes, and menstrual products to girls
in need. It also conducts outreach activities, patrolling the streets at night and speaking to girls, connecting them with adults
they can trust, in an effort to protect them from danger. From April 2021, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and
Tokyo Metropolitan Government undertook full-scale operation in the form of the ¡°Project to Support Young Female Victims.¡±
Between December 2022 and March 8, 2023, a number of men have created disturbances to obstruct the project on
numerous occasions, and the court has issued a temporary injunction prohibiting the offenders from approaching within
600 meters of Shinjuku City Office and prohibiting their obstruction.
However, while it would be proper for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to protect this project, it has actually demanded
the end of operation of the bus due to this issue, and currently there are no plans to operate it after March 22.

Since it began operations in 2018, the bus cafe has been used by over 3,500 girls, and the night outreach program has
spoken to over 15,000 girls in the streets. Recently, for example, 48 girls used the bus cafe on March 1, and 37 girls on
March 8. Many girls have used the bus cafe thanks to the outreach activities. If Colabo is unable to continue operating the
bus cafe as hoped, such girls will be left on the streets at night.
We call upon the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shinjuku City to repeal its demand to cease operation of the bus cafe, and ask for their collaboration to continue to operate outside the Shinjuku City Office from April.

Colabo has reached out to girls who cannot safely stay at home, who have no public welfare support, and who have
been victims of sexual exploitation.
For many years, various scams to sexually exploit women for profit have been devised and allowed to continue in
Shinjuku¡¯s Kabukicho district. Brothel operators and their scouts approach girls offering them accommodation or work.

There are also hosts, men¡¯s underground idols, and men¡¯s con cafes that demand high payments from girls and lead them
into the sex trade.
Colabo¡¯s cafe bus and outreach program is working hard to protect girls from this cruel and ruthless world. Colabo visits
these places to speak with girls, offering food, accommodation, and providing other necessities for them before they are
approached by brothel operators and scouts.
Opposition to Colabo began due to groundless rumors, is linked with misogyny, and provides an outlet for people seeking
approval in the form of ¡°Likes.¡± Furthermore, it is mass-produced for YouTubers, and turned into a social phenomenon by
lawmakers and candidates who seek to solidify their political base through discrimination. This is the new business model
of sexual-discrimination.
Through rumors, baseless attacks, and by creating a spectacle, the network, base, and trust relationships created to
support victims of sexual exploitation are now being taken away.
We do not expect for girls take full responsibility themselves. Instead, we seek to makes changes to the social
circumstances that drive girls into sexual exploitation. We believe that it is preferable for government, administrative bodies,
and society to offer options so that girls can break free from life on the streets and sexual exploitation.
Yielding to this interference by stopping operation of the bus cafe will give the offenders a taste of success. This will lead
to their making more attacks not only on Colabo, but also upon other women¡¯s support groups.
We therefore ask the following of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Shinjuku City:

Please repeal the demand to cease operation of the bus café.
Please collaborate in its continued operation outside the Shinjuku City Office from April.
Do not yield to this interference, but instead, please protect the Project to Support Young Female Victims.


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